The Miter Box: Life From a Different Angle
A Blog by David Jacob SmithDoing and Becoming
Do you view your life more as a series of events to be a part of, destinations to arrive at, and tasks to be done, than as a journey of becoming a particular kind of person? Granted, life is full of things to do, places to go, tasks to accomplish, responsibilities to...
Learning the Hard Way
Needless to say, we are in tough economic times. Even with the recent passing of over a 700 billion dollar "stimulus" package, the economic prospect for our nation still does not look good. Prognosticators of all kinds are predicting at best a small improvement to the...
Is Yours a Wonderful Life?
I love the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". I just watched it again for the umpteenth time a few evenings ago. It's a Christmas season staple on T.V. There are a number of reasons why I love this movie. It has all the makings of a really great story; a flawed yet heroic...
I am reading a great little book by Mark Driscoll entitled, "Vintage Jesus". The author does a great job of presenting the timeless truths of the person of Jesus while targeting his message to teens and twenties. Though the language is a bit edgy in places, Mark...
Have you ever wished you could get your mind around a certain issue or subject, really understand and master it? This happens to me all the time. There are so many things I wish I could understand, wrap my mind around, and feel like I really know the issue or the...
"Institutionalized" Christians?
April 8, 2007 Recently I was thinking about the term “institutionalized” and how it relates to the predominate form of Christianity as practiced here in the West. One of the uses of the word references individuals who have been incarcerated the majority of their...